What will you choose to focus on today?
That’s right. You have a choice.
Well, that’s not entirely true.
I know I sound like I’m backpedaling, but I’m doing so for the sake of clarification.
I wholeheartedly agree that you can’t go through your entire day choosing what to focus on because it would be mentally exhausting, plus your brain isn’t designed for that kind of activity. But you can choose to re-direct your attention.
Why is re-directing your attention important?
Because energy flows where attention goes. By the way, I would love to credit this pithy yet powerful phrase to the person who said it, but there are too many people that lay claim to it.
Re-directing your attention is all about choosing what you want to focus on. It’s like shining a flashlight in a dark room and only seeing the object where the beam of light lands. Just because you can only see what the light lands on doesn’t mean everything else disappears. They just fade away in the darkness.
Re-directing your attention doesn’t mean you should ignore the realities of life. Because, as I illustrated in the flashlight example, what is real doesn’t disappear. But you don’t have to focus on them all the time, especially if they’re disempowering.
Your ability to re-direct your attention is powerful for a couple of reasons.
First, you can use it to notice and appreciate all that’s good and going well in your life. This is especially helpful when it feels as though nothing is working for you and life seems to be an uphill battle. Taking inventory of the simple yet often underappreciated things like good health and supportive relationships are examples of re-directing your attention.
A second example is not losing sight of the bigger picture. It’s easy to get mired in the daily grind that everyday life can sometimes seem to be. But your ability to lift your head and re-direct your attention toward your bigger goals can help you endure today because you view it as a stepping stone to a better future.
So, now that you know you have a choice, what will you choose to focus on today? Hopefully, you’ll leverage the power of your attention and shine your light not only on what you already have but also on where you want to go.
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