What’s the kindest thing you’ll do today?
Have you already decided or will you leave it up to chance?
If you leave it to chance then you may or may not get the opportunity to be kind, however if you plan it in advance then the likelihood of it happening is much greater.
What if you scheduled kindness in to your day just like you would a meeting, meal or any other activity you do according to your schedule?
I recently read about a person that puts a yellow sticky note on his computer that says ‘introduce two people.’ He assigns himself this task prior to getting any personal work done. To him it’s just like brushing his teeth or any other regular task.
Now for you it doesn’t have to be a super complicated act of kindness, in fact, many a time a simple gesture or kind word can go a long way. And if you’re really pressed for time then even a kind thought about another person can be a great place to start.
Imagine what the world would like if we all added an act of kindness to our daily to dos. Billions of people actively looking for opportunities to be kind could really change the world.
By the way, if you’re still on the fence and are not sure about committing to a daily act of kindness then this might sway you. According to research, being kind to others boosts your serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of satisfaction and well-being. So there’s a selfish reason for you to be kind too.
Give it a shot.
Add kindness to your daily to do list.
What have you got to lose?
If you don’t experience or see any changes in your life or the lives of people around you, then you can always take it off your schedule and go back to leaving kindness to chance.
P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.