How much time do you allocate to self-reflection?
When was the last time you carved out an hour or more to think about your life?
Look, I know you’re busy, but self-reflection is one thing that might not seem like a good use of your time but can help you better use the time you have.
Consider this for a moment. Your life is the most important possession you’ll ever own. It’s the one thing that will always be unique to you. So, doesn’t it deserve some attention?
Yes, you can pick up five or ten minutes here and there throughout your day to think about tasks and to-dos, but that’s not really self-reflection. That’s more like junk food snacks versus a good healthy meal.
Self-reflection is taking a deep look at why you do the things you do. It’s about asking yourself what you want out of life, and when possible, identifying changes or making plans to live the life you want to live.
Self-reflection is also about thinking about your feelings and attempting to understand yourself at a much deeper level. Self-reflection is, as most of the spiritual texts say, a version of ‘know thyself.’
While there are many benefits to self-reflection, a key one is that it brings awareness to your motivations and actions. It begins to reveal yourself to you. And while you might already think that you know who you are, you’ll be surprised to find out how much of what you say and do is programming you’ve picked in during the course of your life without even thinking about it.
So, if you haven’t taken time recently to self-reflect on your life, then I strongly recommend you find some time on your calendar to do so. The worst thing that can happen is that you spend an hour or two thinking about your life and then decide it’s not something you want to do again. The upside is you realize just how disconnected you’ve been from who you really are and decide to harness the reins of your mind and drive it towards living a more intentional life.
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