Motivational quote by Margaret Fuller

What are your talents?

Is there a particular skill or subject that you excel at?

No need to be modest here.

Everyone has something they know or have been told that they’re good at or have been formally qualified to do.

Here’s a short list of some of the more common skills.








Public Speaking



And there are many more.

What if you made time to share your skills or talents?

What if you committed to spending just a tiny amount of your time sharing or teaching what you know to someone who wants to learn?

Your skills and talents are gifts that you can pass on and still keep. They can never be taken from you, yet you can enrich another person’s life by sharing them.

Consider sharing your talents and giving them away to improve another person’s life. Who knows, the next time you need to learn something, someone might do the same for you too.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, don’t keep it secret – share it with one person you love.