Whose shoulders are you standing on?
It’s very easy to forget those that lived before you, especially in the West where the practice of multiple generations living together is disappearing quickly. As each generation passes away, so do the stories and the memories of all the struggles and sacrifices that were made so that you could be here today.
Although your ancestors might be gone, you’re still carrying their DNA with you, and it’s in this DNA that their hopes and dreams live on through you. It’s also their DNA that gives you your abilities, skills, and strengths. So whatever you’re able to do and accomplish in life is built on their foundation or as Isaac Newton said “through cumulative knowledge.”
In the rush of daily life it can be easy to forget that you are indeed the product of all those that came before you, so think of this a quick reminder. And now that you’ve been reminded, stop for a moment and thank them, even though they can’t hear you, they’re in you. And don’t forget, while you might be standing on their shoulders, it’s their invisible hands on your shoulders that support you and help guide you through your difficult times.
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