What shouldn’t you do?
Sometimes thinking about what you shouldn’t doing in order to live the life you want is much easier than thinking about what you should do.
Educators have said that for young children, the concept of subtraction is easier to learn than addition. The idea of addition or visualizing more is apparently more difficult than the visceral feeling of having something taken away. Maybe this is true for adults too.
Perhaps instead of thinking about what you can add to your daily habits and routines to improve your life, think about what you can remove.
For example, if health or wellness is important to you then instead of adding exercise you first work on eliminating junk food or sugar. Or if healthy relationships are high on your priority list, then you decide to cut back on other activities so you have more time to spend with people.
One of the best ways to decide on what you shouldn’t do is to first evaluate your values and your goals, essentially the things that are most important for you. Next, keep a loose track of your daily activities for a couple of weeks. If you already maintain a schedule then tracking your activities should be a relatively easy thing to do. Once you have a few weeks of information you can start reviewing and eliminating.
Think of what you shouldn’t do as your not do list. Simplify your life by using it as a tool to bring a sharper focus on what you deem to be important for you.
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