How often do you stop and appreciate the simple pleasures in life?
It’s great to pursue big goals and life-changing events, but it’s also good and, in some cases, even more, important to appreciate the simple pleasures in life.
What are simple pleasures?
Psychologists define them as brief, positive experiences, emerge in everyday settings, and are accessible to most people at little or no cost. Simple pleasures are known as mini moments of happiness and joy—the perfect mood boosters.
But the key to appreciating simple pleasures is that you must first look for them. Fortunately, there’s not a one-size-fits-all, so you can find and enjoy simple pleasures that are unique to your life.
A simple pleasure for you could be something as simple as getting a green light at a busy intersection or a message from a friend or loved one.
You can consider the act of noticing and appreciating simple pleasures in life as emotional speed bumps that force you to pay attention just for a moment or two and allow you to slow down from the pace of daily life.
So, as you go through your day today, try to notice the simple pleasures in your life. Allow yourself to mentally step away and take a moment to appreciate them. And don’t worry, whatever you’re working on or wherever you’re going will still be there when you check back in.
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