Share our similarities, celebrate our differences. M. Scott Peck

Colour or color?

Neighbour or neighbor?

Centre or center?

Apologise or apologize?

There are many more examples.

So, what is the correct spelling of these words?

Well, it depends where you’re from.

They are all correct in their own parts of the world.

Why am I using spelling as an example?

Well, because it’s easy to do so.

You see, there’s a tendency to think that the way you were taught and brought up is the only right way to be and do. So when you encounter people that are different, you begin to judge based on what you know.

However, if you judge a person by their physical appearance or words they use before you learn who they really are, you are doing them and yourself a huge injustice.

More often than not, how you judge a person says more about you then about them. But this is not really your fault. The reason you do so is because it’s easy. That’s right, it’s easy.

It’s easier and takes less energy for your brain to go into its existing data base and retrieve information, rather than input and save new information, even if the information isn’t true.

What do I mean by not even true?

Well, if as a child you were shown a picture of someone with tattoos and told that only criminals have tattoos, well that’s now stored in your mental database.

So the next time you find yourself quickly judging someone by their accent, how they look or the words they use, pause for a moment and recall the examples of words I spelled. For them, they are 100% correct and you are wrong.  But, if you’re able to slow down or even suspend your judgement, you’ll open yourself to an opportunity to learn and perhaps even appreciate your differences.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.