What are your small dreams?
Why am I asking about small dreams?
Good question.
I’m asking because all too often, people get asked about their big dreams, their ‘what if you had a magic wand’ dreams. And while I understand the power of big dreams and their ability to pull you towards them, the idea of big dreams can also be intimidating.
There are also people who don’t have big dreams or, said another way, might seem trivial compared to other people’s dreams. For example, one person’s big dream might be to have a good stable job and raise a healthy family, while another person might want to conquer space. Both are valid dreams, but in the eyes of some, the first dream might seem insignificant compared to the latter.
I understand that it’s impossible to compare dreams because it’s like comparing apples and orangutans. You were probably expecting me to say oranges, and I was going to, but it’s early in the morning, and I’m in a playful mood, so orangutans it is.
Back to comparing dreams.
I know I titled this piece small dreams, but I don’t really believe there are small dreams. In my mind, saying a person has small dreams is akin to saying they have small feet. As long as their feet work for them, then they’re just the right size. And whatever dreams you have are the appropriate size for you.
So, about your small dreams.
In a world that almost forces you ‘think and act big,’ you might feel hesitant to reveal or pursue small dreams, but I implore you not to feel that way. If you learn to string together a constant stream of small dreams, you might eventually end up with what will look like one big dream. So, ignore the pressure to dream big and give your small dreams the life they’re seeking.
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