Be somewhere else right now.
Go ahead, give it a try.
Squeeze your eyes shut.
Clench your teeth.
Close your hands and tighten your fists.
Did it work?
Were you able to be in two places at the same time?
If you can accomplish such a feat then you’re an exception to every other living mortal and should call the national news station, because you’re about to be famous.
However, if you’re not able to be in two places at the same time then welcome to life like the rest of us.
No matter how much you might desire to be somewhere else in any given moment, it won’t happen. So what are your choices about the moment you’re in?
Well, besides acceptance of that moment, what else is there?
Now you can accept the moment begrudgingly, fighting it with every ounce of your being, or you can accept it for what it is. All that moment is made of is you occupying a space for a measured amount of time.
How you look upon that amount of time is up to you.
Simple enough right?
Of course not.
Or is it?
Your approach to the moment you’re in is up to you. You can be frustrated, impatient, or accept the moment for what it is. This doesn’t mean you relinquish responsibility for your life or live a passively. On a holistic level you can still gather and focus all your talent and energy to move you towards whatever you want to do, but being frustrated with a moment because you desire it to be different is… Well, I’ll leave it open for you to decide what it is.
P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.