How often do you stack the odds in your favor?
What actions do you take to increase or decrease the probability of getting the things you want out of life?
Professional gamblers know and understand that even a slight increase in the probability of a win can lead to huge payouts and so they’re always thinking about how to stack the odds in their favor. You can do the same for yourself in life.
For example, take your health. If you eat healthy, exercise, and sleep well, there’s no guarantee that you won’t get sick or contract a disease, but by doing so, you are increasing your odds of living a healthier life. And like the gambler, sometimes all it takes is a slight edge in your favor to win big.
So how do you stack the odds in your favor?
Stacking the odds in your favor is not a one-time event but a continuous effort towards moving towards what you want out of life. Let’s go back to the health example. You know that eating one healthy meal or exercising once is going to do nothing or very little for you. But with a slow consistent effort over time, stacking the odds, you begin to experience the benefits of doing so.
One of the best things about stacking the odds in your favor is that you begin to gain momentum towards the things you want out of life. Approach stacking odds like the gambler that recognizes that they might not win every hand, but they take a holistic, long term view, knowing that the goal is when they walk away from the table they leave with more money than they started out with.
So, start stacking the odds in your favor in whatever area of life you want to improve. Don’t be discouraged by temporary setbacks, which I can almost guarantee there will be; keep moving forward. Keep in mind the bigger picture of what you’re working to achieve and make as many decisions as possible to increase your probability of accomplishing your goals.
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