A life without change is not a life; it is a stagnant pool. Alan Cohen

What happens to stagnant water?

Well, if you’re familiar with or have seen pools or puddles of water that have been sitting for a while, then you know that soon enough, the water begins to smell and, in some cases, attract flies and other insects.

Why am I asking about stagnant water?

Because a stagnant mind is very similar to stagnant water.

A mind that doesn’t allow for new ideas and remains stuck in the past, holding on to ideas and ideals that are no longer valid, is also in danger of becoming stagnant.

How do you know if your mind is becoming stagnant?

When you don’t allow for any new experiences or ideas to permeate it. When all you do is seek people and ideas that confirm what you already think. When you play it safe and no longer seek out new experiences. When you become more concerned with just surviving and are no longer engaged in living.

Now there are no laws against having a stagnant mind, but is that how you really want to live?

If yes, then fine. But if not, then it’s not too late to get your mind flowing again.

Avoiding stagnation of your mind doesn’t need to be a daunting task. All you need to do is intentionally introduce adventurous and creative activities into your routine or schedule.

Being adventurous doesn’t mean you have to engage in mountain climbing or skydiving unless, of course, you want to. For you, adventurous might be as simple as speaking with a stranger, especially one with a different viewpoint of life than you do. And as for creativity, it can be found in simple tasks such as cooking unfamiliar foods or writing a short story.

So, if you don’t want your mind to become stagnant, open it up and let new ideas and experiences flow through it. Doing so will allow you to live your life and not just survive it.

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