When was the last time you received a standing ovation?
If you can’t remember then it’s been too long.
Take a pause from reading right here and give yourself a standing ovation.
Here, I’ll join you.
Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, and clap.
How did that feel?
Feeling appreciated is a lovely feeling and occasionally, instead of waiting for others to appreciate you, you can take a moment to appreciate yourself.
And why shouldn’t you?
You’re the one working your way through the ups and downs of daily living and only you know the experiences you’re feeling, so you deserve to be appreciated.
Now the thought of stopping to appreciate yourself might seem a little awkward at first and it’s because you’re not used to doing so. But that feeling will subside once you develop the habit of self-appreciation.
If you’re still struggling with the idea of appreciating yourself, then perhaps it’s an opportunity for some introspection. And if you can’t or don’t appreciate yourself, how do you really expect others to appreciate you?
Appreciating yourself is nothing to do with being the best or an act to inflate your ego, it’s just about showing a moment of gratitude for yourself.
So as you go through your days and you appreciate or say thank you to those you interact with, say the occasional thank you to yourself too. Believe me when I say you’re worth it.
P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it please share it with one person you love.