The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it. Sydney J. Harris.

When was the last time you stepped away?

Away from what?

Away from the pressure and stress of daily life.

Before I continue, let me say that I understand stepping away is not a luxury everyone can afford, and there will be times when it’s not going to be an option.

Stepping away is not about leaving for days or weeks. It’s about taking a break. It’s about reconnecting with yourself. Think of it as a mental and, in some cases, physical reset.

You might have heard the joke or, in some cases, the truth, that if you’re having trouble with an electronic item such as a computer or TV, the best thing to do is to re-boot it. Well, think of stepping away as your own reboot.

I know the idea of stepping away might be difficult to digest, especially in today’s age of powering through and getting things done. Still, I can almost guarantee that even those that espouse those ideas take time to step away.

If the idea of stepping away doesn’t sit well with you, then let me reframe it to make it more palatable.

When you step away, you give yourself the opportunity to refresh and be even more productive when you return. You might even return with new perspectives that will enable you to be more effective.

Stepping away is not about running away from your problems. That’s rarely ever possible. It’s about admitting that you’re human. And if you know anything about humans, then you know that we’re not designed to always be on the go. In fact, our ancestors were more in tune with nature and behaved like animals in the sense that most of the day was spent at rest.

Learn to give yourself permission to step away. Leave it all behind for as long as you can, which could mean before something falls apart or breaks, or someone files a missing person report.

Look, I don’t want to end on a down note, but I want to give you some perspective. The reality is that one day, you and I will both step away forever, and the world will continue to revolve.

 So, for all the things you think won’t get done without you, maybe they will, and maybe they won’t. But at least while you’re here, step away and take time for yourself.

P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, please share it with one person you love.