Did you know that there’s an equation for success?
Well, maybe not an equation because I’m sure there are many based upon your personal idea and definition of success. But there is one that you can use as a practical tool or guide towards your idea of success.
Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Prize winner in Economics equation for success is success = talent + luck.
Let’s look at each component of the equation.
What is talent?
Talent is defined as your natural aptitude or skill.
If you’ve already discovered your talent, then great, skip this blog post and make better use of your time.
However, if you haven’t yet discovered your talent, then keep reading.
Finding or uncovering your natural talent can be a difficult proposition. Especially since early education and social norms almost force you to remain within an acceptable box. Unless, of course, you’re an athlete because then you’re encouraged to shine.
But don’t despair. Even if your talent has been stifled as you move through the system, you still have an entire lifetime ahead of you to bring it to life. However, you must be willing and committed to doing so.
One of the best ways to discover your talent is to feel what you’re naturally drawn towards. You’ll have to avoid many of the distractions and mind-numbing temptations of daily life so that you can turn your focus inwards and pay attention to yourself. This will take some time and introspection, but if it’s success you’re seeking, it’s well worth the effort.
Once your talents begin to reveal themselves, then begin to work on them, even if it’s only in your spare time. Remember, you’re playing the long game of success in life, so don’t be disheartened by short-term mishaps.
As you work on your talents, keep this quote in the back of your mind, “the harder I work, the luckier I get.”
This leads us nicely to the luck part of the equation. Luck has been defined as preparation meeting opportunity.
This is great news for you. Because if you spend your time working and honing your natural abilities, then you are in the mode of continuous preparation, so when the opportunity presents itself, you will be ready.
So, if success in life is something you’re interested in, then maybe use this equation as a tool. Work to discover and then enhance your natural talents and then take advantage of the luck, aka. Opportunities presented to you.
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