How responsible are you?

How much responsibility do you take for your own life?

Do you own it all or do you go down the slippery slope of giving it away by being a victim of circumstance?

It’s hard to take responsibility for everything because sometimes you really do feel as though you’ve been subjected to a situation without your consent. But the reality is that in that moment if you’re able to stop, step back and think then you’ll recognize that you’re only in that situation because of your past choices. And this will allow you to claim back responsibility.

Very often you hear responsibility touted as a negative feeling and that’s why people try to avoid it but their perceptions are incorrect. The ability to own your responsibility for your life is very powerful and freeing. When you step up and claim responsibility for your own life then you are in control of how you respond to events.

Take some time today and look back at one time in your life where you felt you weren’t responsible and now with the advantage of time and hind sight on your side re-evaluate the situation. Perhaps you’ll see that you were more responsible for what happened then you thought you were.

Whose priority should you be?

Who do you think should prioritize you and why?

Do you find yourself constantly struggling to get the attention of people in your life? And are you sad when it you don’t’ get it?

No one owes you any attention. This may sound harsh but it’s true. The fact that anyone does pay attention to you is a blessing in itself. However the moment you begin to expect it, then be prepared to feel a loss when it’s taken away.

Human beings are wired for survival so at the very core of every act there is a natural tendency to do what is best for the individual. And sometimes this might mean paying attention to you and at other times not. Whether you admit this to yourself or not, this also applies to how you act.

So when you feel that someone has prioritized you and given you their attention then really appreciate it. Don’t take it for granted, and also don’t come to expect it.

The fruits of your labor

How quickly do you expect to see results for actions you take?

A day, a month, perhaps years?

Well, it could be any one of these depending on your consistency and the result you’re looking for.

Long term meaningful results will take time and they will require a new level of commitment. The reason for this is that when you’re trying to change something significant in your life you’re actually re-wiring your nervous system. You’re erasing old patterns and replacing them with new ones. And this takes time.

The challenge for most is that they don’t give change enough time. And that is inconsistent with how nature works. The results of actions can be broken down in to several stages and each stage requires time to set and once it does set it needs maintenance.

So if there’s something in your life that you want to accomplish, then be prepared to put in the necessary time that it requires. And hopefully you’ll stick with it long enough to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Who do I have to be?

Who do I have to be for them to like me?

Consciously or subconsciously, how much of your life is driven by this question?

How much of yourself do you lose in order to be liked?

Or maybe you no longer know who you are because you’ve spent so much of your life looking for the acceptance of others.

There is a term used in psychology called ‘Status Anxiety’ and it results from a focus on how you are perceived by others.  It essentially stems from the constant comparison between your life and the lives of others. And depending on your views and exposure, sometimes you feel greater than and other times less than.

Both of these feelings can drive you to behave in ways that are not beneficial to you. They create a constant state of anxiety that you are better than some or not as good as others. Learning to live comfortably in your own skin is no easy task because you are constantly bombarded with external information of who you ‘should’ be.

Take a moment today to think about one thing you know in your heart that you do not because you want to but because you want people to see you in certain way. You don’t need to share this with anyone but realize that these behaviors compound over time and if you’re not careful then eventually almost all you do will be for the acceptance of others.

I’ve never done that before

How often do you find yourself saying the phrase – I’ve never done that before?

If you don’t remember the last time you said that then it’s been too long since you’ve done something different. You see, that phrase tells you that you’re about to do or have done something outside of your usual behavior.

Now obviously there can be negative consequences to doing certain things you’ve never done before but hopefully you’ll steer away from the ones that can harm you or others. However, on the other side of the coin there will be adventure, excitement and growth.

Finding opportunities to do things you haven’t done before should be something you look to do on a regular basis. You can choose how big or small you want the experience to be, but get out there and look for the opportunity to say ‘I’ve never done that before.’

The moment before the action

Do you ever pay attention to the moment before you act?

It takes a little practice but the next time you respond to someone or something really hone in on the moment and see if you can change your response. Obviously you can’t do this every time but even if you only do it a few times in a day it can lead to some interesting results.

The first step to focusing in on the moment is being present and aware. If you’re on a call then close your eyes to avoid additional stimuli or if you’re speaking to someone in person then really focus in on the persons face or eyes. And please do it in I’m not a sociopath non-creepy way.

Focusing in on the moments before you act can help you change how you react. It can help you process information differently which can then give you new perspectives.

Researchers have found during brain scans that in some cases your brain has actually made a decision to do something 7 seconds before you take action. Imagine that, 7 whole seconds before you finished reading this your brain already decided how you would respond to reading this, and how much you liked it : )

A penny for your thoughts

How much are your thoughts worth to you?

Have you ever considered placing a real value on your ‘thinking time?’ Or is your mind an open playground where other people’s thoughts and ideas can come and play at will?

You’ve probably seen an old playground that has been rutted and worn down so much due to lack of upkeep that eventually it’s no good for anyone. Well, if you keep allowing others to access your mind and your time then you too will be no good for anyone, including yourself.

Stepping away from the constant allure of conversation, distractions and the need to respond to every request of your time is hard to do because your brain loves being ‘wanted,’ and it doesn’t want to ‘miss out.’ However, if you stay constantly engaged then you can no longer pay attention to your own thoughts and if you don’t place a value on your thoughts then you really can’t expect others to.

Argue with an open mind

Do you know that once you get in to an argument the chances of you changing your mind even if you’re wrong is extremely slim?

Research shows that when you’re in an argument your mind is now in a win lose position, so because of this commitment to winning you essentially shut down to any new ideas. You go in to a ‘prove them wrong’ mission.

It might seem at the time that you are attempting to use logic and that of course you’re right but taking a moment to consider the other parties positon can really help prevent an argument getting out of control.

In most cases people don’t set out to argue but once they feel their positions being attacked the move in to a defensive posture. I’m sure there’s been a time when you’ve asked ‘why am I arguing’ and forgotten the reason the argument started in the first place.

Learning to control your emotions during an argument is something you can learn over time. A key step to doing this is the humility to believe that you could be wrong. This is the most difficult step to take but it will enable you to argue with an open mind and will also save many of your arguments diving out of control.

How to let go of negative feelings

How long do you hold on to a negative feeling?

Is it minutes, days, months?

How many stories do you have to tell yourself in order to hold on that feeling? Do you tell yourself that you just can’t believe how a person behaved towards you or how you deserved better or the situation should have been different?

Well, the truth is that they behaved in their best interest and the situation just is and is now in the past.

Any time you spend time dwelling on what happened to you is energy you could be using to focus on something else. The fact is that you will be wronged by people and things will not always go your way, but hanging on to your feelings about what has passed is not a worthy endeavor.

You can train yourself to get rid of negative feelings faster by practicing new responses and behaviors.

The next time you have a negative feeling immediately think of something positive, and you will see that this will help you create a new pattern of thinking. This kind of practice will actually rewire your brain to the point that eventually this will become your new reaction.

So spend a moment today releasing one negative feeling that you’ve been holding on to and free up that brain space for a positive feeling.

What makes you unique?

Have you ever been asked what makes you unique?

Perhaps during an interview or in the ‘qualification’ for a certain position. Do you struggle to answer the question?

I certainly do.

From purely biological standpoint the combination of cells and DNA that you are made up from are what make you unique and to the best of my knowledge have never been replicated, but what else makes you unique?

Here’s the cheat answer to what makes you unique, it’s your patterns of thought. Yes, you might find others that think similarly to you but very rarely will they think exactly like you and the follow on is how they respond to their thoughts in comparison to you.

So, if you ever feel like just another sardine in the can looking and living like everyone else, remember that although from a physical perspective you might be similar, mentally you have the opportunity to be very different. You have the opportunity to be unique.

Are you open to learning?


How open are you to learning?

Learning about how to do your job better, to be a better spouse, parent or a better person overall.

Do you shun learning because you already believe you’re good enough or an expert in your area of life?

Do you catch yourself saying, “I already know how to do that?”

The danger in thinking that you already know how to do something is that you don’t leave yourself open to improvement. You continue to do what you know how to do based on old information while the world around you is constantly changing. There are new techniques being created every day for every skill you can imagine, but you won’t seek them out because you’re fixed in your mindset.

True masters or experts know that even the fundamentals in area of life can be improved upon and this is what makes them experts.

They know that even though they have a high degree of skill it can always be improved.

Try an experiment this week.

Choose an area in your professional or personal life and do some research on Amazon on the number of books about that specific topic. You’ll probably find books about your topic that were written a long time ago and also new books based on new research. Hopefully when you see the search results you’ll realize that what you know is only the beginning and there’s always more to learn


What are you reading?

Are you reading material that that gives you a mental and emotional boost or does it bring you down?

Do you spend your day’s just scanning articles and click bait or do you make time to read books that really interest you?

Reading is one of those simple acts that can change your entire life. You can learn about countries that you might never visit or experiences that can thrill and educate you. Unfortunately most people don’t take time to really explore just how much good reading material there really is.

With the rise of audiobooks and e-readers you can now find ways to read that suit your personal style. Many public libraries also offer e-books and audiobooks. So next time instead of watching whatever’s next on the TV or just aimlessly surfing the web, carve out 20 minutes and dig into a book. You never know what you might find.

Commit to investing in You

Do you watch the Olympics?

Even if you don’t, I’m sure you’re at least aware that they exist. So many of the events that are part of the Olympics take a matter of seconds to execute yet the athletes have committed to training for years just to make an appearance.

Can you imagine training for years for a less than 10 second activity?

But that’s the kind of approach it takes to be world class.

Now you may not want to be a world class athlete but what if you want to be great at something else. What if you want to be excellent at your job, your relationships, or your life?

Are you committed to being the best you can?

Are you putting in the work to get better or are you just wanting ‘better’ to happen by itself?

The good news is that you can improve any area of your life if you really commit to it. Many of the athletes you see performing have full time jobs but find the time to commit to their craft and you can too. You don’t have to commit to hours all at once, just a few minutes a day will add up and can make a big difference.

So be inspired by these individuals that have practiced for years for an activity that lasts less than a few seconds and commit to investing a few minutes in you for a skill that can last a lifetime.

Value in People

How much do you value do you see in other people?

Do you believe that every person you encounter has something they can teach you regardless of their position in life?

Or do you overlook certain people because they don’t look as though they can help you or teach you anything?

Engaging with an individual at a core level is a difficult skill to master but well worth the effort. The ability to sit with another person and just let them talk without waiting to jump in and share your agenda takes a high degree of patience but is well worth the effort.

Every person has something of value that they can share with another. However, in most cases this value rarely has the opportunity to surface due to the shallow nature of most conversations.

The next time you have the opportunity to talk to someone you’re meeting for the first time; allow them to ‘carry the conversation.’ Sit back and listen, you might be surprised at how much you will learn and just how much value they bring to your life.


Do you have a fear of being alone?

The fear of being alone is a primal fear because humans are social animals and in the past being alone probably meant that you would not survive in the wilderness. However, unless you live in some remote part of the world this fear is no longer valid.

For many people the fear of loneliness is what keeps them stuck in their habits. They fear that if they change their ways then they will be unaccepted by those around them. And the truth is that this might be true. But, the good news is that if you search you will find others like you.

Initially as you step out of your environment in to a new one the loneliness might feel overwhelming and you will be tempted to slide back to what you were used to. If you take the time to examine your feeling of loneliness you will learn over time that the feeling is temporary. Give yourself the opportunity grow past the feeling of being alone until eventually you realize that being alone is something you can deal with and not to be feared.

Life gets in the way

How many times have you set out to do something until ‘life gets in the way?’

Well, I hate to break it to you but that’s always going to happen. Life will always get in the way because that’s what life is. But just because it gets in the way doesn’t mean you stop going after what you want.

Can you imagine if every time there was a major storm the airlines said “that’s it we’re done” and closed up and went away. This sounds ridiculous because it is. Instead they reschedule, make changes and deal with delays. Well, life’s the same way.

So the next time you feel as though you’ve fallen behind on something you really wanted to get done or you encounter some unexpected challenges don’t just give up. Learn to live with the delay but continue on. You’ve probably heard the phrase ‘better late than never,’ and if what you’re pursuing is really important to you then you’ll enjoy it even more once you get it.


When was the last time you went a day without eating?

What’s your relationship with food?

Do have control over it or does it control you?

Food has become so much more than just fuel to for us to operate our bodies on. For some it has become the master of their days. The entire days schedule revolves around meals.

Research shows that fasting for short periods of time has great benefits for your body and mind. From physical standpoint fasting can help with inflammation and in some cases has been shown to decrease the chances of cancer.

From a mental standpoint the ability to use your willpower to resist the temptation of food allows you to reevaluate your relationship with food perhaps give you the realization that food is the just fuel.

Embarking on a fast for the first time can be a little daunting and your mind will probably start making all kinds of excuses why you have to eat. So start slowly by skipping just one meal. And no, don’t make up for the skipped meal the next time you sit down to eat. Allow yourself plenty of water and tell yourself that food is abundant and you can have it any time you want to. It’s just that you’re going to choose when you eat.


What are your problems and how are you looking at them?

Do you view them as temporary obstacles or as permanent?

How you view your problems will make all the difference in how you deal with them.

According to the dictionary one definition for the word ‘problem’ is any question or matter involving doubt, uncertainty, or difficulty. This actually just sounds like life in general, essentially the human condition.

The good news is that everyone has their own set of problems; the bad news is that there is no one right way to deal with them. However, there are techniques you can use that might give you a better perspective.

All of your problems can be categorized under the following headings-




Spiritual/emotional well being

Take a piece of paper and write out your problems under the appropriate headings. Once you see them on paper you might notice that they’re not a daunting as they are in your mind and if you approach them logically then there’s a chance you can actually begin to see solutions for them.

Remember, everyone you encounter has their own set of problems and I can almost guarantee that you’d rather have your set of known problems than those of others.

Are you awake?

Are you awake or are you on autopilot?

Will this week be just like last week and similar to next week? Are you just going through the motions of life without really engaging?

If so, then why?

What is holding you back from dipping your toe in the world of different?

Doing something different or having a new experience doesn’t have to cost you a lot of time or money and it can be life changing. A slight change in your weekly activities has the potential to change the entire trajectory of your life. You might develop a new friendship, discover a new passion or even dump a bad habit.

So what are you going to do after you read this?

File it away and say ‘yes I should do something different?’ and then go on with your routine? Or are you really going to wake up and do something different today? And if you’re brave enough then do it right now!


How much stuff do you need?

Is your closest overflowing with clothes you haven’t worn in years?

Do you have cabinets so full that you don’t even remember what’s in them?

Why? Why do you do this? Is it because you might wear them one or might need something from one of those cabinets?

Everything you own owns a piece of you. You have traded time, money and thought for everything you own. So take a look around your home and think about how much you have really spent and if it was worth the trade off.

The continuous accumulation of stuff has also been correlated with a scarcity mindset. A mindset of what if you need it one day?  Or, what if you miss the opportunity to acquire it again? Neither one of these questions allow you to feel fulfilled or content.

So the next time you are considering adding to your existing stuff, take moment to ask how much value is this item really going to add to my life. And perhaps consider trading or getting rid of some stuff before you bring new stuff home.