Don’t Just ‘Google It’

Have you ever just ‘Googled’ something and half an hour later you find yourself looking at a video of cats dancing?

Or perhaps you just wanted to be ‘current on the news’ and again you found yourself watching a video of cats. Trust me you’re not alone. Studies show that the majority of time spent on the internet is wasted time.

The fact that you find yourself aimlessly clicking through websites is not all your fault. The websites of today are designed with the help of psychologists and other experts in human behavior in order to keep you there longer and move you through a funnel. The scrolling and clicking has essentially become an addiction, a mindless behavior.

So, how do you break the addiction? The best way to start is to get in the habit of asking yourself ‘do I really need this information right now?’ Another way is to get into the habit of stop reading after a specific time limit and then to put down or walk away from your device. This gives your brain an opportunity to relax after being stimulated.

Remember the majority of what you are reading is put in front of you for the purpose of showing you advertising. And although you might feel as though you are immune to the ads every pixel on your screen is taking up space in your brain with or without your consent.  So maybe next time, ‘don’t just Google it.’

Stop doing List

Do you have a stop doing list?

Many people have a’ to do list,’ but not many have a stop doing list. This list could include habits you don’t like, over committing your time, perhaps an attitude change towards people or situations.

Here are some ideas for a stop doing list.

Stop saying yes to every request of your time.

Stop over indulging in food and/or alcohol.

Stop making excuses for things you want to do.

Stop procrastinating.

Stop reacting to every text, email, notification and respond on your own time.

Stop complaining about things you can’t change. E.g. The weather, the news, the economy, other people etc.

Stop limiting yourself just because you don’t want to stand out.

Stop comparing your life, business, and relationships to others.

Consuming yourself in your to do’s does not give you the opportunity to focus on your not to do’s. And very often it’s the things you should stop doing that are holding you back. So give yourself sometime this week and focus on one thing you want to stop doing.

Smiling and Dialing

If you’ve ever been in phone sales then you’re probably familiar with the phrase ‘smiling and dialing.’ The reason for smiling before you dial is that it changes your entire physiology and often the person on the other end of the line that can only hear your voice can sense that you are smiling.

Research shows that putting a big smile on your face actually triggers happiness in your brain. Smiling has also shown to improve creativity since a brain in a positive state is open to ideas, which in turn improves problem solving.

Consciously smiling during times of anger or frustration can immediately change your view on a situation. Smiling will send a message to your brain that things will be okay and perhaps aren’t as serious as you think they are.

Making an effort throughout your day to smile will not only enhance your mood and well-being, but will also make you more likable and enjoyable to be around.

Fishing Trips

How many fishing trips do you have left?

I know you might say none because you don’t fish. This is true, but instead of fishing let’s say summers instead. I once attended a seminar where the speaker gave the example of fishing trips to put life into perspective. At the time of his example he was 50 and he said that if he was fortunate to be above average and lived to be 90 then he probably only had 40 fishing trips left. 40 trips might sound like a lot, but if each trip was only 5 days long then 200 days of fishing was all he had left.

Putting your years into perspective can really help you decide if you’re spending your time with people you love and doing things you really enjoy doing. It can also help you realize that many of the small things that might seem so important at the time are trivial in the grand scheme of time.

The unfortunate post script of this story is that the speaker actually died about 4 years after he gave his presentation. This in itself serves a lesson that he had even less time than he thought he did.

Connection through Listening

How much time to do you spend really connecting with people? And how present are you when you are doing so?

The ability to really connect with another individual is a skill that like any other skill has to be continually practiced. Listening plays a key role in connecting. Many times when we think we are listening we are only hearing. Our brain is actually formulating our own responses and preparing to share our thoughts instead of paying attention to what the person is saying.

Listening with intent engages a different part of brain than just hearing. Studies show that if you really pay attention to what another individual is saying then your brain will start to fire the same neurons as the other person. Essentially your brain will sync with their brain which in turn will increase your empathy for them. Increasing your level of empathy will drive you to have more meaningful connections with others.

So, the next time you’re engaged in a conversation, try not rushing to say your next thought. Really just try to listen with an open mind and experience how different the conversation feels. At first this will take some getting used to because it will feel as though the conversation is in slow motion. But over time this practice will lead you to have deeper connections to people you engage with.

Subject to Change

If you’ve read any legal document or purchase agreement carefully then I’m sure you’re familiar with the phrase “Terms and conditions are subject to change.”

The reason for this phrase is that companies know that decisions they make are based on old information and they might need to change their business as they come across new information.

So, are you subject to change too? Or do you continue to base all your future decisions on old information regardless of all the new information you come across.  One way to tell is if find yourself using phrases such as:

This is just who I am.

I can’t see it any other way or can’t do that.

I always do it this way.

I’ve never.

I don’t.

This is how things are or just how it is.

All of these statements are based in a point in time when your experience, education and logic came together to give you a reason for behaving in certain manner. But, what if the information you had relied on was wrong? And you’ve continued to use it to decide who you are today? The next time you find yourself saying or thinking one of the phrases, stop and ask yourself if  you’re ‘subject to change.’


In the field of computer science GIGO stands for garbage in garbage out.

In simple terms what this means is that the information you get from a computer is only as good as the information you put in to it. So how does that apply to you? Well, your brain is essentially the best computer the world has ever seen and also works in a similar manner. If you feed it garbage then that’s what you’ll experience.

Some of the most common forms of garbage people feed their brains with are:

Gossip. The he said she said that goes on every day. Fueling rumors about other people based on hearsay. Talking negatively about other people when they are not present also gives you the insecurity that people will talk about you when you’re not present.

Media. Books, TV and movies that feed you stories about how bad the world is. This especially applies to ‘The News.’ Today’s news programs are designed to create fear and negativity and ultimately sell you advertising. Since your brain is programmed for survival it will always be more attuned to negative news, so exposing it to more negativity reinforces the feeling that the world is a bad and dangerous place.

Negative language. Recent studies show that children that are exposed to negative language and continued stressful situations actually have smaller brain sizes than children from healthy homes.

As well as being extremely powerful your brain is also very vulnerable to external influences. It absorbs information and events constantly and is continuously trying to make sense of the world. So, the best thing you can do for your brain and ultimately yourself is to expose it to a healthy environment and as many positive situations as you can.

How do you end Your Day?

How much thought do you put in to how you end your day?

The final minutes of your day before you go to sleep can directly determine your quality of sleep and even to some extent your mood the next morning. Consciously creating an end of day routine is almost as important as a morning routine.

Here a few suggestions for creating an end of day routine.

Turn off screens about 30 minutes before you go bed. Research has shown that the blue light emitted by phones, TV’s and computers can affect the production of the sleep hormone. They also stimulate your brain in to being alert and not rest ready.

Take a minute to practice gratitude. Thinking about the little things that you are grateful for creates a sense of comfort and satisfaction that leads to lowering of stress.

Relax your body. Take few deep breaths and consciously contract and relax a few muscles in your body.

Keep a notebook. If you do have some last minute thoughts swirling around then write them down. Getting them out of head and on to paper will help your brain relax.

Creating an end of day routine has been shown to increase quality of sleep and overall well-being. So take 5 minutes or so tonight to improve your life.

Lose Yourself

When was the last time you became so immersed in doing something that you lost all track of time, and what were you doing?

Children are the masters of losing track of time because it has little or no meaning to them. However, as adults we tie ourselves to our clocks so that everything can be ‘according to schedule.’

I challenge you this weekend to think about doing an activity that you like to do and then making a plan to do it without setting a time limit for the activity. I know, I can hear you now. But Raj, I have kids, I have a spouse, I have a job, I have a life…Yes I know and understand you do, because I do too. If you go back to the beginning of the paragraph you’ll notice I said think about it and make a plan, not leave everything behind and do it tomorrow. Although, if circumstances do allow then please do so. By the way, those of you thinking about sleep as an activity, no it doesn’t count.

Finding an activity that you love to the extent that you forget about time will tell you a lot about who you are and perhaps where you should be spending more of your life.

No Notifications

Turn off all your notifications today for an hour.

No text, email, calls, nothing that can interrupt you for an hour. In fact, if you’re brave enough you can even turn your phone off. If you feel the need to let loved ones or co-workers know that you’re going to be doing this then go ahead and tell them, otherwise just try it.

Studies show that he average American can’t go five minutes without checking their phones. The addiction to the buzz, bing, vibrate and the little red badges are constantly breaking your thought patterns.

Turing off or ignoring notifications will be hard at first because you are physically addicted and do get a bump of the brain chemical dopamine every time you get a notification.  So, if starting with an hour is hard then start with 10 minutes today and set a goal to eventually get to an hour.  Free up space in your mind to allow yourself to once again experience full and complete thought patterns.


What is your view of the world and how do you judge people that don’t see things your way?

I was watching my 3 year old daughter walk through a crowd this weekend and thought to myself that all she sees is adult butts all day long. Her entire world view is based on a ‘below the waist’ perspective.

We’re all guilty of only seeing things our way and judging others for not seeing things from our perspective. Yet intellectually we know that if we all had the same thoughts and ideas then how boring our world would be.

Recognizing that we are constantly judging people from our perspective and then allowing for a little curiosity about why they don’t see the world the way we do can help broaden perspective and also increase empathy.

So the next time you’re quick to judge someone’s perspective, think of my 3 year old looking at butts all day, smile and give the other person’s perspective a chance.

Give it away

Today is a perfect day to give something away.

The key is not to give away something you don’t want or don’t like but something you are attached to. Trust me; you’ll be just fine after you give it away. In fact you’ll probably feel better. The act of being able to give away something you’re attached to is the sign of an abundant mindset. It signals to your brain that you have enough and can always get more.

Here are some things that you can give away today.

Money is the most obvious one that people think of. So donate today.

Go through your closet and give away clothes that you would wear again, not something you don’t want.

Donate food. Not the cheapest can food you can buy, but again something you would like to eat.

Give away your time. This of course is your most precious resource since you can’t get it back once it’s gone. And I know you’re extremely busy, but giving away an hour of your time today or this weekend will probably not make a huge difference in your life, except that you’ll feel good.

Research has shown that the ability to give actually increases the givers happiness and in some studies it even increases overall well-being. So, go out today and make yourself happy and healthy by giving.


What are your insecurities and where do they stem from?

We all have them but rarely do we take the time to really examine them. Take some time this week to write out your insecurities and see how they are affecting your daily actions.

Some of the most common insecurities that people have are

He or she might leave me if.

If don’t behave a certain way then I will not be accepted.

Comparing yourself to others and then feeling less than perfect.

Criticism you received as a child still dictating how you live your life.

Listing out your insecurities will give you the opportunity to face each one and evaluate if they are grounded in reality or if they were caused by some previous experience that you have been replaying over time. The first step you can take to overcoming your insecurities is accepting and loving who you are. Having a sense of self approval doesn’t mean that you don’t want become better or improve, it does mean coming to terms with who you are today. Look in a mirror today and say ‘I love you’ to your reflection. This might sound like a silly exercise, but I guarantee you that many people cannot look themselves in the eyes and do this. Remember, if you can’t love yourself, how will you make room for others to love you.

Hurry UP

Are you in a hurry today?

Have you spent any time this morning rushing to get somewhere or hurrying others along, perhaps the car in front of you in morning traffic or the person in front of you at your local coffee shop? What’s the rush? And do you really believe you can will the world to move faster if you grip the steering wheel tighter or mutter under your breath as they decide between a medium and a large latte. Slow down and accept where you are.

As a parent I used to find myself constantly telling my children to hurry up. It started in the morning with hurry up and take a shower, hurry up and eat, hurry up and get dressed, blah blah blah all the way through the end of the day with hurry up and go to bed. And even after saying hurry up several times a day we still ended up with things being done in the same amount of time. So I stopped rushing them and now we just get there when we do. The best part is that we’re all a lot happier when we get where we have to be, however the stress of the constant rush is gone.

I’m not advocating being late for events, meetings etc. What I am saying is that living in a state of constant hurry takes a physical toll on you and those around you. So, the next time you find yourself trying to will the person in front of you to move faster, take a deep breath and allow for the event to unfold. You’ll probably get to where you needed to at the same time, but you might just arrive a little happier.

You’re being Robbed

You’re being robbed of your attention. Companies are paying millions of dollars to steal pieces of your life and you probably don’t realize it. Scientists and PhD’s are hired to create products and campaigns just so that you can pay attention to them and not your own life.

You do not have an unlimited supply of attention so whenever you choose to invest your attention on one thing you are taking away from another area of your life. The internet and TV are the biggest culprits when it comes to stealing your attention. Imagine if every time you aimlessly surfed the web or flipped through TV channels that you were asked to pay money. Would you still spend as much time doing these activities?

During the next few days try to be conscious of how much time you’re spending aimlessly surfing the internet, on social media or flipping through channels trying to find ‘something to watch.’ And then consider what else you could be doing with your attention.

What can You do for You?

John Kennedy said it best in his “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” Today I ask, what can you do for you? Not, what can your spouse, employer, children, friends do for you.

Here are some questions to start your day with.

What can you do today to make yourself happy?

What can you do today to make yourself healthier?

What can you do today to build better relationships?

What can you do today to create meaning in your life?

Your answers to these questions don’t have to be long eloquent paragraphs. Start with one question; think about it for five minutes and write down simple one word answers that will move you to action.

Unfortunately, most people will read these questions and just move on without acting or even thinking about answering them. And it will be the same excuses, too busy right now, get back to it later etc. The problem is that there is never this perfect imaginary time of being less busy or having more time. So, take five minutes right now and act!


Why did you get out of bed this morning?

Besides the obvious reasons, family, work or other obligations do you have a bigger reason? Having a purpose can fulfill a part of life that family, friends or material goods can’t touch. Having a purpose can fill the gaps.

For most people finding a purpose is the biggest challenge, or they think that a purpose needs to be permanent or only one thing for their entire life, which is not true. Finding a purpose does require some introspection. Taking time to ask yourself what you would love to do, or what in the world you would like to change and then ask yourself how I can be involved. And then when you think you have an answer, take a small action steps as soon as you can to test your answer.

Some people are fortunate to have one purpose for their entire lives but for most as you age your purpose in life might change and that’s okay too. The thing to realize is that purpose is something that comes from within, it should always be based on what is important to you.

It’s Messy for Everyone

Everyone’s life is a mess to some extent. Unfortunately all you get to see is the highlight reel, a brief picture of their existence. And then you compare your entire life to the snapshot you’ve been exposed too. Your brain then takes the snapshot and goes in to the ‘life is good for everyone but me’ thought cycle.

Read the biography of any famous person you admire and you’ll find that they have all experienced struggles in some area of life. Broken relationships, financial troubles, health issues, one or all of these is part of everyone’s journey.

I love the example of the duck on water. All we see is the duck moving gracefully along, but if we looked under the surface we would see its feet paddling frantically to move it along.

So the next time you find yourself thinking how perfect someone’s life is consider for a moment that they might be thinking the same thing about you.


I came across this word about 10 years ago and it very quickly became one of my favorite words. Equanimity is the ability to remain calm and composed especially in difficult situations.

One of the keys to maintaining a state of equanimity is to deconstruct a situation that is causing you to be frustrated or angry, the ability to view the situation from the standpoint of an observer. One of the best times to practice equanimity is when you feel as though you are being verbally or emotionally attacked by an individual. Take a moment to breathe and step out of the situation. Don’t take their bait and allow them to get their hook in to you. If an individual does say something hurtful try to understand why rather than reacting and fueling their fire.

Maintaining a state of equanimity can apply to all areas of life since everything you engage in is a relationship between your mind and the situation. Allowing yourself to give pause to a situation or an event will give you the ability to maintain and even keel rather than being on an emotional rollercoaster.

Change your Environment

Do you have a place where you can go to think, create, problem solve, a place that takes you out of your usual environment?

Research shows that one of the easiest things you can do to stimulate your brain is to change its environment. Moving from a place that you are used to somewhere new forces your brain to behave differently and create new perspectives.

Finding a new place doesn’t’ mean travelling to far off lands although this could be fun and highly stimulating. A new place can be as simple as working from a coffee shop instead of an office for a few hours, sitting somewhere different in an office building or even going for a walk in area that you’re not familiar with.

The objective of changing your environment is that it breaks your usual cognitive patterns and forces your brain to think creatively, thus allowing you to see things differently. So the next time you find yourself stuck on a problem or in a particular thought pattern go find a place you’ve never been and it’ll give you new perspective.