The Book about You

If someone wrote a book about you how would they describe you?

If they interviewed your family and friends for the book what would they say about how you treated people? Would they say you were kind, generous, caring, optimistic and uplifting? The kind of person that people would say it was a pleasure to be around.

Or would they write that you were always complaining, gossiping, quick to find fault in others, pessimistic, demeaning? The kind of person that people went out of their way to avoid being around.

The book about you is being written by you on daily basis and every interaction is an opportunity for you decide now, what want you want to be written in the future book about you.


What words do you use do describe yourself?

What words do you use to describe the kind of day you’re having?

What words do you use to describe how you feel?

Your words are the palette for your thoughts and actions. They can color your day by adding excitement and enthusiasm or they can bring feelings of despair and sadness.

The vocabulary you use can also directly affect how you feel about yourself and others. It can also affect how others see you. Research shows that individuals can actually alter not just their psychology but also physiology just by the words they use.

Every thought you have is labeled with a word. Your thoughts are strings of words constantly churning through your brain sending signals on how you should act and feel. Your entire perspective of the world is based on the words that you’re in the habit of using.

Learn to use strong, powerful, uplifting words to describe yourself and positive words to describe your relationships and people around you. Your words can change the lens through which you view and live your life, choose them wisely.

Better than Yesterday


Are you better in any area of life today than you were yesterday?

If yesterday is too soon then how about last week, last month or last year?

If not, then why not?

Is it that you don’t believe in self-improvement or do you think it will just happen by itself?

Self-improvement doesn’t have to be a daunting task or come in the form of a drastic change. In fact small incremental changes that are barely noticeable have the power to accumulate over time and  are very often more effective because they allow you to adjust to your new state of being.

Self-improvement also doesn’t mean that you’re not happy, appreciative or accepting where you are right now but it does mean that you understand that you if you’re not moving forward in the important areas of your life then you are indeed moving backwards.

The four areas of life you should look for continuous improvement in are, family/relationships, career/finance, health/physical and religious/spiritual.

Write down one small, tiny little thing you’d like to improve in each area and think about it for a few days. Imagine how your life would be different if you committed to taking the steps that would make you better than yesterday.

Is my question good enough?


Is my question good enough?

This is the question so many school children ask themselves before they raise their hands.

This is also a question that many adults ask themselves before opening their mouths because they don’t want to look ill-informed or ‘uneducated.’

This questioning the question is a debilitating action and will ultimately prevent you from growing past your current knowledge.  However, there will be times when you will ask questions that some will consider being less than ideal or even stupid and that’s okay as long as you are getting the answers you need.

It is very important that you don’t confuse being shy with asking questions. Shy is a crutch that some individuals use to get out of asking questions. However, there are many that are socially shy or timid that have learned put aside their shyness in order to get answers to their questions.

Learning to ask questions is a muscle that can be strengthened over time and the more you practice the better you’ll get. You can start practicing by asking questions that you already know the answer to. At least this way you’ll feel more confident because you already have the answer.

How many More?

How many more people do you have to read about that have done any of the following things?

Lost weight

Made money

Built great businesses

Donated to charity

Enjoyed their family

Lived their dreams

Wrote a book

Overcome adversity

Took their dream vacation

Reached their goals

How many more before you finally realize that they were no different from you?

In fact, in some cases the individuals that have achieved their goals had none of the advantages you do.

Stop reading the press clippings of others and start writing your own. Write them down and then find a way to live into them. Make it your mission to not just to exist but to live!

Courage over Comfort


Who’s doing the thing you want to do?

Do you watch them from afar wishing it was you instead of them?

Do you see them acting, playing leading, writing, selling, building, loving and creating while you quietly envy them?

Why them and not you?

What makes them special?

What’s holding you back from being that person?

There’s only one difference between you and them. They identified what they wanted and then they found the courage to act on it. That’s it. Simple yes, but definitely not easy.

So where is your courage?

Is it buried in your doubt?

Even the best, the individuals that are at the top of their chosen field have doubt, but they also have the magical power of acting despite their doubt.

Put aside you doubt today. Just for one day say and live with courage over comfort. Think of it as an experiment, and that you can always go back to being who you are.

Bet on Yourself

Who are you going to bet on?

Are you betting on your boss, spouse, friends, family or your employees?

Who are you going to bet on to fulfill your dreams, wishes and desires?

If you decide to bet on anyone but yourself then essentially you are letting yourself off the hook. You are putting other people on a pedestal and saying that they are responsible for the results in your life.

Relinquishing responsibility for your own well-being is the easiest thing to do because it allows you to be the victim. It allows you to say ‘it’s not my fault,’ and it allows you to get away with being less than your potential.

Learning to bet on you takes time and doesn’t come naturally because it takes time to build the self-confidence to do so. However, if you take small steps and gather small wins then you will begin to experience a snowball effect in your own confidence ultimately allowing you take bigger bets on yourself.

Dumb Idea


Have you ever had a dumb idea?

How did you know?

Did someone tell you or did you kill it before you shared it?

Are you familiar with the Chia Pet? It’s been generating about $8,000,000 in revenue per year for 30 years. Or the Snuggie, which has sold over 30 million units and has generated about $500 million in gross revenue?

At first glance both of these ideas may have seemed like dumb ideas but both have proven quite the opposite.

Your own worst enemy when it comes to ideas is you. If you’re like most then you probably hesitate in sharing your ideas because you fear looking inept, unqualified or even dumb. And the truth is that sometimes you will and that’s okay.

Learn to share your ideas more freely. Get in the practice of writing them down and exploring them a little further. Some of your ideas may truly sound dumb at first, but don’t forget that even the Pet Rock made $6 million in profits.

Diet & Exercise


I know what you’re thinking.

You’re thinking Raj must be running out of ideas to write about and that you can skip this post because you already know all there is to know about diet and exercise. And you’re right; you can skip this post because like the majority of people you do know about diet and exercise.

But before you go let me share something you might not know. The weight loss industry is a $64 Billion dollar market!

So, if you and the majority of people know about diet & exercise then why is the market so big and still growing? It’s because the majority of people are looking for the ‘quick fix.’ They’re looking for the 7 day, 30 day, or even the 1 hour diet to change their entire physical being. And that’s why they fail and the industry is so big.

I’m using diet & exercise to illustrate a point that there is no quick fix for anything and you probably don’t need any more information.  What you do need is long term commitment to change. Commitment is the secret weapon that needs to come from within you.

You already know what you have to do to change any aspect of your life so commit today to doing so.

Conventional Wisdom


Are you living your life according to conventional wisdom? Doing or acting in a certain way because it fits within the box of ‘the usual.’ If everyone lived according to conventional wisdom then the following would never had happened.

Conventional wisdom = No automobiles

Conventional wisdom = No airplanes

Conventional wisdom = No space program

Conventional wisdom = No organ transplants

And this list could go on for pages.

Stop relegating yourself to being constrained by conventional wisdom. As you can see by the items on the preceding list, conventional wisdom is very often just wrong and based on outdated information.

Conventional wisdom will happily provide you with all the reasons you cannot and will not do something. Pay careful attention to your thoughts and actions so you can see how much of what you’re doing is just because you’ve accepted the path of conventional wisdom.

What are you waiting for?

What are you waiting for?

Are you waiting for the perfect moment, just the right time or for all the stars to align before you take the steps you know you need to take to get what you want in life?

Recently a friend shared this story with me. He was sitting in his living room early one morning meditating in the dark when his six year old son walked in and sat in his lap. His son having all the innocence that young children do looked up and asked him “dad, what are you waiting for?” The question asked by his son gave him goosebumps because he had in fact been contemplating some major changes in his life but he had delayed in taking action.

So today I ask you, what are you waiting for?

The time will never be more perfect than now to start whatever you’re waiting to start. It could be a project, job, healthier lifestyle, writing, drawing, dancing, business, relationship etc. There will never be a better time.  So now ask yourself, ‘what am I waiting for?’

You are Ignorant


You are ignorant!

There, I said it. Now before you begin to shower me with profanities, let me explain.

But before I explain I ask, do you know the real meaning of the word ignorant?

Do you know at its core the meaning of ignorant is lacking in knowledge or training?

Children are ignorant and it’s often been said that ignorance is bliss. So why then the negative feelings around ignorance?

I’ll tell you why. Because you don’t want people to know, that you don’t know. But you can’t know everything, can you?

Admitting to being ignorant is a fantastic place to be because you can only go up from there. In fact being a ‘know it all’ is the worst place to be because then you have no room, motivation or desire to grow.

So, wear your ignorance proudly and use it to your advantage. Admit when you don’t know about something and use your ignorance as a spring board of opportunity to learn and explore. Soon enough the know it alls will wish they were as ignorant as you.