Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. T. S. Eliot

When was the last time you tested your courage?

Humans are endowed with courage for a reason, but the majority fail to or forget to test their courage, especially as they mature into adults. They seek safety and security yet admire the courage of others.

You’ll find people all over the world lined up to watch their favorite actors and athletes perform acts of courage. And books and novels about courageous individuals can often be found on bestseller lists, as the readers live vicariously through the characters while sitting in the safety of their own lives.

Testing your courage doesn’t require you to put your life or physical safety on the line, although some activities do require a certain amount of risk of bodily injury. However, in most cases, testing your courage is about moving past your fears, it’s about doing what you’re afraid to do.

You’ll know when your courage is being tested because you’ll feel the butterflies in the pit of your stomach, or the adrenaline begin to pump through your body. When you act with courage every nerve in your body stands at attention ready for action and you feel alive which is very different from just being alive.

Get in the habit of testing your courage on a regular basis by getting out of your comfort zone. Build your courage muscle by choosing action over fear and push past your limitations. Remember, you were endowed with courage for a reason, now go use it to build your life.

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