Success is the residue of planning – Benjamin Franklin

What’s the best plan for you?

The short answer is, it’s the plan you’ll follow.

It’s easy to get caught up in the – five productivity tips to start your day articles, and sometimes the advice can even be helpful, but eventually, you need to find what works for you.

If you find yourself forcing your life to fit a plan written or advised by someone else, then there’s a high probability that you won’t stick to it. Now there are those select few, and you might be one of them, that can muster the energy and will to power through a plan not quite a fit for you, but eventually, you’ll find yourself mentally and even possibly physically exhausted.

So, how do you create a plan that works for you?

Well, it must be based on your current personality and life situation.

Plans are in their nature aspirational. They are a roadmap to a future state. But, as the maps say, right now, you are here. And how you get to where you want to go depends on many factors, and that’s why you must evaluate what, you are here, means to you.

Let’s make this a little more tangible.

Imagine for a moment you have a goal to become healthier. So, without any self-evaluation, you follow a plan that you find online or adopt one that a friend is following. The plan you found online was probably written with a broad brush for a wide-ranging audience. And as for your friend, you don’t really know anything about their metabolic health, so following their plan will yield different results for you.

Creating plans for any area of your life should begin with introspection. Begin by identifying your strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes. Once you’ve self-evaluated, then you can start to design a customized plan for yourself. A plan that you know you’ll follow.

So, if there’s any area of your life that you’re seeking to change, then start customizing a plan for yourself. Design a roadmap that gets you to your destination based on who and where you are today.

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