How often do you go the extra mile?
What I mean by the extra mile is, above and beyond what you’re supposed to do.
You see, almost everyone can do what they’re supposed to do, but going above and beyond, well that’s where the magic happens.
What magic?
I’m glad you asked.
Doing what you’re supposed to do, or close to it, is table stakes, and yes you can get through life by doing so. But when you start going the extra mile or putting in additional effort, that’s when you become remarkable. That’s when people notice and you reap the rewards, both externally and internally for doing so.
Let me be clear, going the extra mile doesn’t mean you have to do twice the work, it could be as simple as going ten percent beyond what you’d normally do. I’m also not suggesting you do it all the time unless of course, you want to.
An example of going the extra mile could be as simple as a random act of kindness. Yes, we’ll both agree that you’re a good person, but if once in a while you go out of your way to share a moment of kindness, whether through words or deeds, with someone you know, or a total stranger, then you’re going the extra mile.
The best thing about going the extra mile is that your effort compounds over time. And while there’s no real way to measure where you’ll end up in life after going the extra mile versus if you didn’t, you just have to trust the process.
So, commit today to go the extra mile in every area of your life that’s important to you. Give it time and you’ll begin to experience the magic of doing so.
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