How’s your heckler doing?
You know the one that lives in your head. The one whose job it is to derail you when you think about launching a new endeavor or pursuing a new goal. The one whose job it is to remind you how you failed the last time around by highlighting your inadequacies. The one that points out how others that are supposedly better than you have tried and failed asks you why you think you’re special and can succeed?
The heckler is a sneaky little bugger that spends most of its time sleeping, but with one eye open. As long as you remain on a slow dull predictable track, it’ll mostly mind its own business. But the moment you even think about doing something slightly outside of your comfort zone it snaps to attention to ask you, who do you think you are?
Your heckler might even be the type to every once in a while, and just for the fun of it, point out how everyone else is doing so well, but the moment you get inspired or motivated to change your own life it’ll do all it can to prevent you from doing so.
The heckler that lives in your head is your own personal bully and you’re going to have to decide whether or not you’re going to stand up to it or not. As you’ve probably heard and perhaps even experienced, when you stand up to a bully, it often backs down because it preys on fear. Your heckler is very similar. The more fear you display the more energy you give its voice.
So you’re going to have to decide whether to fuel your heckler by being afraid of it, or being courageous and drowning it out. By the way, just a quick word of caution, no matter how much courage you muster, your heckler will never quite disappear, and will be lying in wait for the next opportunity to raise its voice and ask you, just who do you think you are?
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