Is a thought a thing?
At first glance, this might sound like an odd question because thoughts are usually considered ephemeral, intangible and invisible, not a thing you can see or touch. So let me ask you another question.
Would you agree that almost everything you can touch and see around you, nature excluded, was once a thought in a person’s mind?
If you agree then let me ask you this, how do thoughts go from being ephemeral, intangible and invisible, confined within the dark recesses of a person’s mind, to real, tangible and visible objects?
What is the magic process that allows thoughts to become things?
I know that you probably have an answer or two for the question, but I’m going to share my answer with you too. The magic process that allows a thought to become a thing is focus and action. It’s magical yet dangerously simple. You see, I didn’t say deliberate action and the reason is that you’re always taking actions guided by your thoughts, but you’re not always thinking about the action you’re taking. So there are times when you might find yourself doing things that are not in your best interest because you’re acting on thoughts that are also not in your best interest. Essentially self-sabotage.
So how do you leverage your thoughts to work for you and not against you?
If you guessed focus then you’re correct. You have to spend more time and energy focusing your thoughts on what you want out of life. I agree that in the daily hubbub of life it’s not always easy keeping your focus on what you want, but if you don’t take the time to do so then you might just end up with a life full of things that you never really wanted.