When was the last time you went in for an upgrade?
Unfortunately, for so many people the answer to the question is never.
It’s not what most people do. At least not actively. Most people stop upgrading themselves once they’re out of school. They think that they no longer need to learn or take the time to adapt to an ever-changing future. And slowly but surely, over time, they find themselves being left behind by all the changes taking place around them.
Why don’t people upgrade themselves?
Because it’s hard and takes time to do so.
You see, upgrading an inanimate object is easy, just buy a new one, or press a button, and voila, upgraded. But a personal upgrade requires you to do the work.
But what’s they point, why do you need to upgrade yourself?
You don’t. Unless of course, you want to be able to adapt to the changes taking place in society around you.
Now when I speak about upgrading, I’m not suggesting you spend all your time learning about the latest and greatest technology or attempt to read all the new information being produced daily. What I am recommending is that you adopt a learning mindset. A mindset that allows you to adapt to the present and one that prepares you for the future.
So, the next time you think about upgrading material objects in your life, consider adding yourself to the list. Invest time in upgrading yourself, so you too will be the latest and greatest version of you.
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