What’s the latest new gadget?
What’s in vogue right now?
What’s trending?
Whatever it is that’s trending will soon be ending.
It’s only a matter of time.
It could be hours, days, or weeks, but whatever is in will soon be out.
What will you do then?
When all you’re left with is stuff that’s out?
What will you do when the new wears off?
When will you decide to step off the trend mill?
I’m going to let you into a little secret about trends.
It’s not the trend you’re after. It’s the feeling that being a part of the trend gives you.
You want to feel like you’re ‘in, hip, in the know.’
You want to look and feel like the people representing the trend.
But you forget that they get paid to make you feel that way.
Because of technology, trends are now cycling through at breakneck speed. As soon as a trend is launched or catches on, there’s another one right behind it. In fact, there are teams of individuals working on what will be ‘trendy’ ten years from now. They’re designing clothes, color pallets, cars, and all kinds of items that will become the next trend.
Yes, many of the trends you see are, in fact, being manufactured. And because of all the readily available data, it’s becoming easier to do so.
So, if you’re going to engage in trend-chasing, prepare for a long journey. However, you can always choose to step off or even never engage. But if you decide to stay on, remember, it’s the trend mill – Tr with no End.
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