How long will it take to get there?
This is a common question when planning travel and even during a trip.
And the answer is usually in the form of, well, under current conditions.
Regardless of how reasonable the estimates of time might be before the trip, they will change based on the trip’s length and the day’s conditions.
A short trip is obviously more predictable because fewer factors are involved, and if you’ve taken the trip before, then prior knowledge can also benefit you.
However, long journeys to unknown places are unpredictable, and that’s when you start relying on estimates of current conditions and hoping they continue.
Life is also a long journey to an unknown place with constantly changing conditions. When you set out to work on a goal, it’s just like taking that long trip. All your estimates will be based on current conditions and what you know; however, the larger the goal, the more unpredictable the conditions will be.
This should not dissuade you from attempting to work towards significant goals. However, when you encounter situations you didn’t or couldn’t predict, remind yourself that you’re stepping out into unfamiliar territory and unknown conditions.
Everyone sets out under current conditions. Some get to where they’re going sooner or later than others. Others give up and turn back.
If your goal is important and meaningful to you, then you’ll appreciate the current conditions and find a way to work through the guaranteed unknown conditions that lie ahead.
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