Ring, ring.
When are you going to answer your wake-up call?
What wake-up call you ask?
The wake-up ca call that’s unique to you. It’s that nagging feeling inside of you that’s trying to tell you that you need to do something different. It’s your body, your mind, your intuition sending you a message that things aren’t well and you need to change.
It could be a call to change your health, your relationships, your finances, your career, and the call has been ringing for a while now, but you’ve decided not to answer. But just because you didn’t answer, hit the snooze, or just outright ignore the call doesn’t mean the call the goes away. In fact, the call will get louder over time, but you’ll only hear when you’re not distracted and alone in your thoughts.
Whatever your wake-up call is, the sooner you answer and address it, the better off you’ll be. Putting it off will only delay the inevitable. So the next time you hear your wake-up call, pay attention and answer it as soon as you can. Yes, there’s a chance it could be a wrong number and that’s great, but it could also be a really important message that tells you, now’s the time wake up and take action.
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