How do you go from where you are in life to where want to be?
One way to do so is when you imagine what you want, to be greater than what you have. Let me clarify that I don’t mean the things you want in a material sense, although that is a motivator for some, I’m referring to how you want to feel.
The image, the feeling of the future you, the you that you want to be, must be so compelling that you’re willing to leave behind who you currently are. You’re essentially willing to bury parts of who you are to gain what you want and become the person you want to be.
You see, if what you want out of life tomorrow is not greater than what you have today, then you’re probably not going to make the sacrifices and tradeoffs needed to get there. Think about it for a moment.
Why would you give up the comfort of all you have and feel today if your ideas and the feelings about the future you are no better than who you are today?
So while I’m not here to judge what you want from your future, I can, with a certain degree of certainty tell you that it must be more, or better, choose the words that suit you best, than what you have and how you feel today.
As always, the choice is yours. Live as who you are and accept the status quo, or imagine a future you that so compelling, that you’re willing to shed the skin of who you are today to become the person you want to be.
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