What are you aiming for?
Imagine for a moment, a football game without end zones, a soccer game without goals, or a basketball game without baskets. While this might sound ridiculous at first, this is exactly how many people go through life, aimlessly.
The interesting thing about having something to aim for is that while you might not always hit the target, at least you can move in a specific direction. And every once in a while, with enough shots on target, you’re bound to score a point or two.
While there’s nothing inherently wrong with buffeting through life without goals, having something to aim for does make life more interesting. And perhaps even more important than interesting, it gives you a sense of ownership or said differently, a sense of control over your life.
Before I go any further, I do want to clarify something about goals. All too often pursuing personal goals can be misconstrued as selfish, or perhaps limited to financial or material gains. And while there are those that prioritize financial gains as their primary goal in life, you can set goals that you believe are important to you and to society.
Just a quick example. You could set a goal to help or be kind to one person a day. This might not seem a lofty or worthy goal at first, but if you started when you were ten years old and lived to be eighty-five, then you would have helped or have been kind to about 27 thousand people.
So, as you go through your day today, think about what you’re aiming for. Make a list of all the goals you want to accomplish and point your life towards them. While you might not hit all that you want to accomplish, you’ll significantly increase your chances of doing so because you’ll be going in the right direction.
P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, please share it with one person you love.
P.P.S My website encountered a technical issue on August 31st, 2020. I was not aware of this issue until a few readers emailed me to ask whether or not I was still writing my blog. While it took some time to have the issue resolved I still maintained my schedule of writing three times a week.
There are about seventeen posts that you didn’t receive, so if you’re interested, they’re all their on the website.
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