Do you plan on making a living or making a life?
What’s the difference between making a living and making a life?
Making living is officially defined as to earn enough income to support oneself and, if applicable, one’s family. While making a living is a noble endeavor and those that are able to do so are extremely fortunate, it also begs the question, what else does life have to offer?
If all you focus on is making a living then you’re only a few notches above survival, and life offers so much more than just survival. One of the best ways to distinguish between making a life and making a living is by asking yourself this question, what can I do and what do I want to do?
If all you focus on are your current set of capabilities then it’s a living you’ll make, but once you start thinking about what you want to do, then the magic begins. You see, when you begin to imagine the things you want to do, you’ll feel the excitement, you’ll be pulled forward and you’ll feel the tug of making a life.
While making a living might satisfy your basic needs, it rarely gives you the fulfillment and satisfaction that is inherent in making a life. So as you go through life ask yourself on a regular basis, if you want to make a life or make a living. There might be times when because of circumstances you’ll have to focus on making a living, but that doesn’t mean that you should give up on the idea of making a life.
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