Are you more concerned about what others think of you, or what you think of yourself?
There comes the point during your journey from being a child to an adult that you realize what you say and do directly affects how others see you. And in some cases, you begin to care more about what others think of you than what you think of yourself.
Slowly and surely, over time, you begin to lose touch with who you really are and begin to perform more for the appreciation and acceptance of others. And if you continue this journey, then one day you’ll find yourself looking in a mirror, no longer concerned about how you think you look, but thinking and perhaps even judging yourself through the eyes of people you want to be accepted by.
It’s understandable to be concerned about your appearance and the impression you might make, but there’s a tipping point when if all you’re trying to do is live your life to impress others, then you’ve lost yourself.
The balancing act of accepting yourself for who you are and wanting to be seen by others in a favorable light can be difficult, especially if you’ve been surrounded by people that have given more weight to the opinions of others than their own.
Before I go on, I want to make something very clear. You can go through life just fine, continuously seeking the approval of others, but you will pay the price of never really knowing or, in extreme cases, never really being yourself. If that’s a price you’re okay with, then so be it.
However, there’s also a price for being yourself. And that is, you might not receive the approval and acceptance of people you encounter. If you’re okay with that, then you release yourself from being pushed and pulled by the thought of what others think of you.
So, the choice is yours. Go through life concerned with what others think of you or prioritize what you think of yourself. It’s not an easy one to make, but I have a feeling that at the end of your life, you’ll wish you had done one more than the other.
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