What do you think of when you hear the word work?
Let me restate the question.
What have you been taught to think of when you hear the word work?
If you’re like most people then you probably think that work is something you do for money. And that’s because it’s what the majority of people have been taught to think.
Here’s the official dictionary definition of the word work- An activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result.
The words money, pay, remuneration isn’t even mentioned in the definition. However, you do see the words purpose and result.
Why am I pointing this out?
Good question.
Because the majority of people have forgotten that work is about purpose and results, and not about money. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying money isn’t important, but the sooner you can disentangle money from work, the sooner you’ll be satisfied with the work you do.
The quicker you learn to align your life in a way that allows you to perform mental and physical activities that move you to achieve your personal definition of purpose, the less conflicted you’ll feel in life. I agree that defining what your personal purpose is, is easier said than done, but it’s also the difference between waking up every day and performing work that draws you to it and gives you a feeling of fulfillment, or leaves you feeling empty.
So the next time you hear or think of the word work, don’t think of what you or others do for money. Shift your mind to think about purpose instead, and the actions you can take to fulfill yours.