Do I have what it takes?
Ask yourself this question and answer it honestly.
If you’re wondering, what it takes for what? Or, it depends then you’re thinking, which is a good sign.
Asking yourself if you have what it takes enables you to set a baseline for yourself. The moment you decide to embark on an endeavor or personal journey, you should begin by taking a personal inventory and the ‘what it takes aka WIT’ question is a great place to start.
If your answer to your WIT question is a resounding yes, then good for you, you can now move forward with confidence. Although I must warn you that if you really are on a new personal journey then rarely do you already have what it takes, because the nature of something being new is that you’ve never experienced it before. Now I’m a big fan of a healthy dose of optimism, but must warn you that things can get a little messy when optimism and reality meet, especially if you’re not prepared.
If your answer to the WIT question is no, then good for you too, in fact, it’s almost better than a yes.
Why is it better?
Because now you’re almost forced to take a personal inventory and in doing so you can begin to acquire the skills and talents that you’re missing. During the process of working on yourself you’ll begin to gain more confidence in your ability to accomplish whatever it is you set out to do. Sprinkle in a little optimism and you’re almost unstoppable.
Now I’m not suggesting that you have to be one hundred percent ready before you move forward on any new endeavor, because that will never be the case and can lead to what’s known as analysis paralysis. What I am saying is just start by asking the WIT question, and begin to work on what you need, because the act of doing so will in itself move you along your journey.
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