What do you do when you know better?
Well, it’s been said, when you know better you do better.
But do you?
And if not, why not?
What are you continuing to do in your life that you know is not good for you?
Or perhaps a different question.
What in your life do you know that you could or should be doing, but are not doing?
Let me start with this. No one is perfect and there’s room for improvement in everyone’s life. But improvement only happens when what needs to be improved is worked on. Only when effort is applied do results occur. I know I’m pointing out the obvious, but at times it’s the obvious that gets overlooked.
There are two main reasons people don’t attempt to work on their life, lack of hope, and lack of courage, also known as fear. Which one of these are you struggling with? If you answer none, then there’s no reason you shouldn’t be making all the changes in your life that you want to. You should be doing better because you know better. But if you’re struggling or stuck, then you must address the causes I mentioned earlier.
Both lack of hope and lack of courage are by no means easy to overcome, but if it’s change you’re seeking, then you have to find a way to bring both into your life. Now I intentionally put hope before courage because hope is the light; it’s the feeling that your life can be different, and as it’s been said, without hope, the people will perish. Once you have hope, then it’s courage that will help you move towards the light, towards a better future.
Now I don’t expect a three-hundred-word blog post to solve any issues you might have around lack of hope and courage, but I want you to ask yourself the question. When I know better, why don’t I do better? My goal is that the more you ask the question, the more answers you’ll get. And once you have your answers, you can begin to root out what’s preventing you from doing better and begin to apply hope and courage to those areas of your life.
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