Half of wisdom is learning what to unlearn.  Larry Niven

Who told you?

Who taught you?

Where did you learn that?

Where do your beliefs come from?

Are your beliefs outdated and holding you back?

Until very recently, it was thought that certain races were less capable than others, and these beliefs were perpetuated through generations. Unfortunately, some people still believe this to be true.

Women were also thought to be less capable than men, and again, some still believe this to be true.

Racial and gender-based beliefs are just a couple of examples of beliefs that are alive and well in certain segments of our population, and the reason they are alive and well is because people don’t stop to question what they were taught.

Freeing yourself from beliefs that hold you back requires you to commit to unlearning what you’ve been taught. It requires you to question those that you consider to be the authority in your life. And this kind of questioning can be destabilizing because it goes to the core of who you are. But it can also be liberating.

Asking or performing an internal investigation into your belief system is not easy, but it is important to develop a more authentic self. It’s also important if you want to rid yourself of generational baggage.

You see, the people that you learned from may not have questioned their belief system, so you might be stuck with beliefs that are generations old, and while there might be a few beliefs that stand the test of time, there are sure to be others that have lost their validity a long time ago.

Unlearning or releasing beliefs that prevent you from changing your life is no easy task but is almost a requirement if you want to experience real change in your life. You must leave behind the old, no longer useful parts of you to make room for your new beliefs.

So, the next time you find yourself wanting to do something different in your life but stuck with the belief that tells you that you can’t, or that’s not what you’re supposed to do, stop and ask yourself why. Who told you, or where did you learn that belief? See if you can root out and free yourself from the trap of your old belief and step into a new, more authentic you.

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