Who’s your boss?
Who do you have to answer to?
The reality is that although you might have a person where you’re employed that can ask you to do a task and has the title of being the boss, he or she is not your boss. You are the boss of you. This is not to say that there won’t be consequences if you don’t abide by certain rules or guidelines that an employer has established, but ultimately you are your own master.
The quicker you can grasp this idea of being your own master and taking charge of your own life, the better of you’ll be. The sooner you come to grips with the idea that you need to do what you think is necessary in order for you to feel successful and satisfied, the better of you’ll be. Let me clarify that you’ll better off from a mental and perhaps even from a spiritual point of view.
You see, when you come to grips with that fact that you are indeed your own boss then you’ll begin to invest your time and energy into actions that will give you the greatest returns. If you think about the boss of any organization, then you know that their number one priority is to use the resources they have to get returns and add value to their organization because if they don’t the organization perishes.
So saddle up, grab the reigns of your life, and start acting like the boss that you are. By the way, I’m using the word boss and master interchangeably because the word boss comes from the Dutch word baas, which means master. So if you don’t like the word or idea of being your own boss, I hope you like the idea of being your own master.
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