Why am I here?
This is a question that almost everyone asks at some point in their life. If you haven’t asked it yet, then there’s a high probability that you’ll ask it someday.
It’s such a huge question that laypeople and scholars have spent uncountable hours trying to answer this question for themselves and for those seeking answers to the question.
On one hand, the question can be answered simply because the evidence for the why behind existence can be brought directly back to, that’s the way nature works. Or, if you have strong religious faith, then you believe the reason you are here is due to a higher power, deity-like figure. Neither one of these points of view is incorrect, but they can be contentious at times.
Now I’m not here to tell you why you’re here, but I can perhaps offer some advice if you ever find yourself struggling to answer the question. Instead of asking why am I here in the abstract bounds of life, consider bringing it back to the more relatable, why am I here today, or even right now. Turn the macro question that encompasses all moments of your life into a micro question that allows you to focus on the present. And then tie a mental knot between the present moment to something meaningful to you.
While tying present moments to things that are meaningful to you might not help you answer the big why am I here question all at once, it will help you look back at all the knots you’ve tied and perhaps give you some clues or insight into why you’re here. And if you find yourself asking the question again, you can use your insight to remind you why you’re here.