Why let that stop you?
What is that?
The that is the obstacles or hurdles between you and your goals. And the obstacles are unique to you and what you’re attempting to accomplish.
Now obviously, there are some limitations, whether they are rules, regulations, or the laws of physics, that might prevent you from achieving certain goals. For example, if you’re twenty years old, you’ll not be able to remain in high school because it’s against the regulations. But that shouldn’t prevent you from learning.
When you’re in pursuit of a goal, you only have one job, and that is to overcome or eliminate each obstacle as it arises. And believe me when I say, if you’re pursuing anything worthwhile, you will encounter obstacles.
So, how do you eliminate the obstacles?
Sorry, but I can’t help you with that because, as I said, they are unique to you. But I can recommend a perspective that might help you. The answer lies in the question, why let that stop you? If you guessed it’s the ‘why,’ then you’re correct.
If you can answer the why, then you’re on your way to overcoming that.
So, the next time you bump up against an obstacle on your way towards your goals, remind yourself why you’re pursuing them. You’ll find that if your why is strong and means enough to you, then you won’t let ‘that’ stop you.
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