Are you willing to change?
Change for what?
Good question.
Are you willing to change to improve any area of your life that you believe needs improving?
If not, then you can stop reading right here and continue with your day.
But, if you are willing to change, then I have another question for you. And It’s a question that is often overlooked by people that are willing to change.
The question is, for how long?
What do I mean when I ask, for how long?
You see, it’s easy to change for a day, week, or in some cases even a year, but permanent change requires consistency and diligence.
When you work to change a part of who you are, essentially, you’re paving over an old part of you, but that character or personality trait that you’re covering or changing doesn’t quietly go away. It’s still there buried beneath the change. And every once in a while, like a weed that emerges through a crack in a sidewalk, it too tries to push itself back into your life.
You’ll find these weeds appearing when you’re most vulnerable. When you’re tired or frustrated is their opportunity to reappear, and that’s when you’ll need to call on your diligence and recommit to keeping them in their place.
And that’s why I asked, for how long are you willing to change? Because if you haven’t considered a long-term commitment to change, and don’t have a plan, then you’ll fall victim, when your old behavior patterns re-emerge.
So, the next time you think about implementing a change in your life, think about for how long you want that change to last. If it’s a permanent or long-term change, then plan for how you’ll deal with your old behavior, not if, but when it reappears. Because if you don’t, then soon enough, you’ll find yourself back to being the version of you that wanted to change.
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