When you win, is there someone you can help win?
In this context, winning doesn’t necessarily mean winning a competitive event; it means succeeding in any area of life.
So, when you succeed in an area of your life, what can you do to help one other person succeed in their life?
Imagine for a moment a world in which everyone adopted a win and help win attitude. A world in which every individual is committed to sharing knowledge, skills, and resources with one other person.
While we don’t live in a utopic world, at least not for now, nothing is stopping you from adopting a win and help win way of life.
Now you might be thinking that life is competitive, and you need to beat others to win, and I understand your feelings, but in the long run, collaboration beats competition. Even professional athletes who get paid to win have been known to train with competitors to help and learn from each other.
Albert Einstein was once asked in a letter by a lady, “why are we alive?” To which he responded, “The question “Why” in the human sphere is easy to answer: to create satisfaction for ourselves and for other people.” Which I interpret to be, to win, and help win.
So, as you go through your day today, adopt a win and help win attitude. Ask yourself what knowledge, skills, and resources you can share with one other person. And let’s all win together.
P.S. Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, please share it with one person you love.