How does it feel to be in control of You Inc?
That’s right, you’re the head honcho, the boss. This especially true if you’re over eighteen when you read this.
You see, now that you’re over eighteen, you’re considered to be an adult, and that means you’re responsible for every decision you make. Let that sink in for a moment. You are responsible for every decision you make. The buck now stops with you.
For the rest of your life, you’ll have to be the captain navigating all the ins and outs that you encounter along the way.
How will you get through it all?
By making decisions.
But not to worry. Remember all those classes and lessons you took when you studied decision making. Yup, I don’t remember them either. Unfortunately, decision making is rarely taught, if ever, especially in formal schooling. So, if you want to learn to make good decisions, you’re going to have to make the effort to learn it on your own.
If you want to achieve any level of success for You Inc, and yes, you can measure success however you want to, I’d highly recommend you start taking decision making very seriously. And it’s not too late to start today.
Maybe you’ve taken a few years to get used to the idea of being in charge of your life and now you’re realizing that you are in control, that’s okay. Instead of mourning over wasted years, chalk them up to experience and learn from them.
Now’s your time. Take the helm of You Inc. and begin to focus on the few decisions that really matter. Do what other good leaders do. Learn to study and weigh your options, and then act accordingly. You are in charge and in control of you, so please act accordingly.
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