How does it feel to live with your harshest critic?
You know the one I’m talking about.
It’s the one that lives in your head, your inner voice.
The little voice in your head makes you feel as though you’re not good enough or don’t have the ability or talent to attempt the things you’re thinking about doing.
Entirely escaping your harshest critic is nearly impossible because it’ll always be there to remind you about that one time you tried and failed or that you’ll never be as good as so and so. Then there’s also the who do you think you are question that it uses as an ace in the hole when no other tactics are working.
But what could you accomplish if you could free yourself from your harshest critic?
Quieting or going against the voice in your head is no easy task but is almost a requirement if you want to achieve anything worthwhile in your life. And yes, I understand and agree that the idea of worthwhile is a subjective point of view.
How do you quiet or ignore your harshest critic?
This is a difficult question to answer because, on the one hand, you feel as though you’re going against your better judgment; you’re taking a risk and putting yourself potentially in harm’s way. And this might be true in certain circumstances. But what are the risks, and can they be mitigated, or can you live with them?
When it comes specifically to risk, you should evaluate what would happen if and how you would feel if you didn’t move forward. Oh, and just to let you know, your inner critic will always only show you the dark side of what would happen if.
So, the next time you’re thinking about attempting something new or different, and you hear your harshest critic telling you all the reasons you shouldn’t, hear it out. Once it’s done talking, then it’s your job to decide whether you’re going to hold yourself back because you believe everything it said or move forward and pursue the things you want to accomplish.
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