When is it going to be your time?
This is your time.
That’s right, you were made for this time. So, forget about whatever other time you might be waiting for and make the most of this time right now.
Don’t let this time slip away while you prepare and plan for some time in the future when you think you’ll be or feel more prepared. That day will never come because preparation never ends.
The days and months on your calendar are all just illusions luring you into believing they exist, but they don’t. And that’s why you should treat them as reminders, not of what’s to come, but that you only have today.
If you need to plan, then plan. If you need to think, then think. But once you’re done planning and thinking then act right now.
Remember, the word tomorrow is just a placeholder for a time that doesn’t exist. So, if there are things you want to do or words you want to say, start doing them or saying them today. Because while there’s no certainty in tomorrow, right now is guaranteed.
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