How can you avoid being judged by others?
It’s a trick question. You can’t.
There’s no avoiding being judged by other people. It’s what people do. If you’re honest with yourself, then you’ll admit that you do it too.
Some people will express their judgment of you openly, while others will be more subtle about it. Occasionally people will judge you with malice, and even from a competitive viewpoint, and at other times, they will judge you with curiosity.
The judgment stems from humans constantly sizing up and comparing themselves to each other.
Since you can’t avoid being judged by others, then the next question is, how will you let the judgment of others determine how you live your life?
Now it would be easy for me to suggest you ignore the judgment of others and just move on, but that’s easier said than done.
So, let me ask you this instead.
How often do you think people are judging you? What I mean by this is, are people actively voicing their judgement of you, or are you interpreting their looks and language as judgement?
I ask because quite often, we, yes, we, are experts at judging ourselves. And we’re also very good at making up stories about other people’s views of us. So, while they might not be judging us, we think they are. In this case, instead of assuming that you’re being judged, wait until a comment or question validates your assumption.
When someone does vocalize their judgment of you, you have a choice. You don’t have to accept it as the truth. It is, after all, their point of view about you. You can always choose to ignore it or think about it and then decide whether their judgment is valid.
So, now that you know that people will always judge you, you have a decision to make. You can live in the shadow of judgment from others, or you can step out into the light and live your life because you know you’ll be judged if you don’t or judged if you do. So, you might as well do.
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